I'm a (developmental) cognitive neuroscientist or neuropsychologist working as an assistant professor at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.

I investigate human visual perception, from very basic processing such as that of oriented lines and moving dots to higher-level perception of faces.

My work combines psychophysics and neuroimaging, namely functional magnetic resonance imaging, to study how we see the world around us.

The focus of my current work lies on the development of social perception in children with and without autism.

We are running a world wide internet-based study on face memory in adults with and without autism: please visit http://facetoface.mit.edu!

NEWS: Our paper "Face recognition deficits in autism spectrum disorders are both domain specific and process specific" just got accepted by PLoS ONE (08/06/2013) and is now freely accessible via

Our paper "Ongoing neural development of affective theory of mind in adolescence" just got accepted by Social, cognitive and affective neuroscience (05/16/2013)

Our paper "Domain-specific development of face memory, but not face perception" just got accepted by Developmental Science. (04/17/2013)
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